Category Archives: Articles

9 uncommon HTML tags which can give your website wings

9 uncommon HTML tags which can give your website wings Due to a plethora of JS and CSS frameworks the number of these files being loaded for a webpage can easily multiply if a conscious effort to limit these files is not done. If a functionality can be achieved by simply using HTML then it […]


Trends in social media story telling

Trends in social media story telling # About Connections & the need of storytelling We are all connected Some of us are more connected (They are called the influencers) We are connected across shared passions. Connections should lead to conversations Conversations lead to community Stories act as glue between people  # Trends in Story Telling […]


Management lessons from accomplished business leaders

Indigo Airlines, VP- Aditya Gosh (NASSCOM #EmergeOut Conference) Aditya was in J.Sagar Associates before joining Indigo Airlines Indigo Airlines has 6000 Employees He ordered 100 Plane on starting Indigo, it was one of the biggest order ever. Marketing : Was bagged by the biggest advertising budget in the airlines industry It takes 1000 small ideas […]


Magento vs Shopify : Positive Comparisons

Magento -> Most popular, widely used by big players Positives: used by big businesses. Mobile e-commerce friendly. Very powerful and flexible. Wide community support. Good for bigger e-commerce site. Easy site tools and management. Shopify -> One can set up an e-com solution in 5 minutes. Positives: Easy to use. No programming required. Supports all […]


10 eCommerce Contest Ideas

10 eCommerce Contest Ideas Shop between 9am to 3pm and win prize. Shop for the highest amount in a day and win prize. Be the first shopper of the day and win. Answer a contest / Quiz Examples: Share your artistic way of using these limited edition “Yagna spoons” in your house Share any of […]


10 Newsletter Ideas your eCommerce Store

10 Newsletter Ideas your ecommerce Store We take the reference of a client site – for this article. is an offline and online retailer of Unique Decor and Furniture. They also specialize in Vintage furniture. Monthly Magazine  covering the best Interior design projects Art and Home Decor News  New Product Launches […]


The comeback of Mobile Web

Shaky Beginning Not long ago, there was a time when the social media behemoth – Facebook was looking to enact its mobile strategy. The choices in front of it were implementing a Responsive Mobile Website (Progressive Web App or PWA) or native mobile apps for mainly Android and IOS. It decided that having a common […]